Cracked heels have thousands of stories. Cracked ribs have some more. Even the trees that are six feet under, breathe when no one is looking. Talks in pauses, thinking, not about what to say, but rather, why it should be said. Shorter questions take more time to answer. Are you happy What are you looking at What are you thinking about Why aren't you out of bed What did you do today I brushed. I showered. I wore clean clothes. Can you do it again tomorrow? No. The people around you know what they are doing. Everybody has done their homework. But you haven't, because it slipped out of your mind. The teacher is taking her rounds now. But, you might say, there is no homework here. There are no teachers, or braided hair, or long pleated skirts or even big blank books. You don't need to do your homework because you don't-QUIET NOW The teacher is close. You can smell her. And in times like these, the sti...