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Showing posts from August, 2018

We are not made to love

As long as you live, may you always remember that you were never born to love, rather you were born to save yourself. We are not capable of affection even if we think we are, because what sustains us is the belief that we, as humans are never complete, and in the back of our minds we never wish to be, but it’s surprising how easily we assume that someone can complete us.  We’re spread across all of the island, some on the cliffs, others on the shore. Sometimes we wish to catch, other times, fall.  But we can never love.  When we think we love someone we are simply tempted, that we are able to accept their differences, and we hope that they do the same for us. We connect because we suffer or we have suffered, we connect through the similar miseries and sorrows.  But no, we can never love.  Affection is misery. It is a surrender. But in its completeness, affection is non-existent.  But affection, in its own true n...

भारी ओठ

कति भारी हुन्छन शब्दहरु, निन्द्र लागेको आखाँमा तर ओठ भने बिना आवज नै चल्छ​ कथालाई माया मार्न सक्छ र ऊ ? बरु भोलि बसमै निदाउछु भनेर सोचिसक्यो होला किनभने कोइ रातहरुमा किताबको बासना निन्द्रभन्दा मिठो भईदिन्छ  थाकेका औलाहरु पाना पल्टाको पल्टै हुन्छन् आखाँहरु तिर्मिराउन थालेका शब्दहरुमा घोरीरन्छन् हाई आउँछ उस्लाई, अनि मलाई तर्साउँछ​ रिस पनि कति आओस्? आखाँ उस्को झोलिएको छटपटी उस्को मनमा ओठ उस्का भारी म​? मात्र दर्शक सुत भनेर नि भन्दिन​ एकोहोरो हेरिरन्छु, उस्ले आफ़्नो किताब  हेरेजस्तै अनि एक समयमा आएर शरिरले हार मान्छ ओठ लडबडाउँछ​ आखाँ नसोधि बन्द हुन्छ​ किताब बन्द गरेर बेडसाइडमा राख्दैन ऊ ऊ त बस् त्यै शब्दहरुलाई आफ़्नो छातिसगँ टाँस्छ​ अनि सास फ़ेर्दा किताब तल माथि गरिरहन्छ​ मानौ उस्को सास उस्लाई त्यै किताबले दिराको छ​ अनि म​? फ़ेरि पनि दर्शक  - अनुश्रुति अधिकारी