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Ageing Heart

My ageing heart is a tree, on the far end of this park I wait and watch its twigs and trunks, even when it's quite dark Your memory has latched onto the branches, like a leaf And I a fool, always thought they'd wilt like autumn leaves But autumn came and went, and the leaves stayed strong Surpassing time, grief and acceptance, for far too long The memory bothers the soul, who is busy writing the encore It knocks too hard, and often too loud at its porous door This memory is messy and it smells It has no love for me, just no respect It captures attention and laughs, it spills the spoils Memory is not strong, it's not smart, but oh god the chatter, the moil It dries up my throat in the middle of the night Overflows my heart at inappropriate times And the leaves just don't leave! They defile my beautiful ageing heart of a tree I ask for it to stay strong, so it weeps silently How I wait for a gardener to come and tell me some lie "I've checked all over, and everyt...
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भारी ओठ

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